Padatanggal 8 Agustus lalu, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productionsmengungkapkan produk barutersedia untukpreorderdari tokoonline resmiDoraemon, toko Doramon's Bell. Celana Jeans ini diproduksi untuk memperingati100tahunlahirnya Doraemondan akan dijual seharga 19,800 yen dengan berbagai ukuran untuk pria dan wanita.Preorderdapat dimulaidari hari ini sampai jam 02.00 siang (Waktu Standar Jepang) pada tanggal 31 Agustus2012.
2112, 9 and 3 (merupakan tanggal ulang tahun Doraemon)
GambarDoraemonyang keluar darisaku celanajeans ini didasarkan padapenampilan pertama dari ceritaDoraemonyang pertama kali diterbitkandi majalahmanga TentomushiolehShokagukan.
Interior manga Doraemon di kantong bagian dalam Jeans
Tak terasa, sebentar lagi merupakan penampilan terakhir atau konser kelulusan dari anggota AKB48 Maeda Atsuko. Event yang diadakan pada tanggal 27 Agustus di AKB48 Theater di Akihabara ini, dapat kita tonton secara streaming melalui Google+ dan Youtube pada jam 4 sore WIB.
Bagi yang memiliki akun Google+ dapat menyampaikan pesan secara langsung kepada Acchan dengan hashtag "#maeda0827".
Tidak hanya itu, dalam Google+ juga diadakan event kecil yaitu mengumpulkan berbagai foto dari fans Acchan di seluruh dunia, untuk membuat album foto yang berjudul 'Album Kelulusan'. Source: jepanghariini
emaduate's event!!! nginep part 2. Liburan kenaikan kelas tahun ini, emaduate ngada-in acara touring dan nginep. Ya rencana awalnya nya sih mau liburan ke lembang, tapi karena beberapa alasan, dicancel dulu buat sekarang (╥﹏╥).
Hmmm yang ikut nginep kali ini lumayan, ada ari, arina, aziz, brandon, teguh, ferdy, uzy, arsyad, yogi, nada, icot, dan saya. Haekal juga ada sih, tapi ngga nginep cuma sampe jam 10-an aja hmmm.
Oya, siang nya emaduate touring dulu. Seperti biasa, disuruh kumpul jam 8, berangkat jam 12-an hahaha -_- Yang ikut touring, ari, teguh, bolki, aziz, icot, arina, arsyad, yogi, ferdy, brandon dan saya :) Rencananya, mau pada ke batu hitam. Aku kira batu hitam itu tempat wisata, ternyata tempat makan hahaha. Setelah debat dulu -_- akhirnya jadi touring ke batu hitam, tapi ngga makan disana (biasa lagi pada boke katanya) =)) Dan kita pun caaaaaaw ke batu hitam. Dan setelah lewat jembatan 'cirahong', nyampe deh di batu hitam, kita berhenti dulu dan photo-photo dulu hahaha~ lanjut makan siang di simanalagi (kalau gasalah) -_- dan kita nomor meja nya 14 & 15 hohoho~
Udah touring, bubar deh. Eh, brandon, arsyad, yogi, arina, icot dan saya ke AP dulu, ngALAY hahaha =)) ngga ding -_- belanja makanan buat entar malem nginep. Dan ehemmm banyak juga yang dibeli. Yup, abis itu pulang deh~ icot, aku, arina ke rumah arina, mau minta izin biar arina boleh nginep =) dan YES!! Berhasil :) Nada juga kumpul ke rumah arina. Pas liat jam ternyata udah jam 17.30, kita pun ke rumah PUTROS =)) tempat nginep malam ini.
Ceritanya udah pada kumpul nih semua hahahaha. Mulai yaaaa :3
>Pertama, pas semua udah pada kumpul, kita langsung caw ke sumur UNSIL =)) Susu Murni~ Disana bercakap-cakap hmmm cukup lama -_-
>Balik lagi ke rumah, eh ternyata pembakaran ikan udah di'nyala'-in. Jadi kita tinggal lanjut bakar-bakar-an aja =) menu makan malam : bakar ikan, bakar sosis (sosis ajaib *eh) nyaamnyaaaam
>Dan MAKAAAAAAN~~ ikannya banyak 'cucuk' -_- tapi yang bertahan sampe akhir...... YOGI !!! Kerasukan jin kucing kali ya igoy -_-
>Ngapain lagi yaaaa lupa...... Hmmm hmmm... Ah ya!! Yang cewe-cewe langsung siap-in buat bikin ramen & seblak. Dan cowo pun ada bantu, teguh & igoy hohoho~
>Beres nih. Bikin ramen & seblak, langsung makaaaaan lagiiiii, tapi....tapi..... Seblak rada 'terabaikan' =)) dimana-mana pedas *gaje* hahaha
>Nah nah~ kita lanjut nonton 'MAMAT NYASAR'. Operet emaduate waktu SMP. Nostalgia-an. Kocak liat operet unik emaduate ini, operet yang cuma dimengerti sama anak emaduate =))
>Habis itu, lanjut nonton 'dunia lain', dan bahasa baru pun muncul..... "wah ada kepala" =)) hahaha
>Teruuuus... nonton film zombie, ntahlah aku ga berani nonton, tidur aja hahaha, sambil nonton deh dikit-dikit -_- tapi ituloh zombie...... *apasih*
>dan hmmmm pas liat jam udah jam 03.00 (kalau gasalah), kita pun tidur, cowo tidur di ruang tengah. Yang cewe pindah ke kamar hohoho~ AC awet ga dinyalain =)) dingin cuaca nya -_-
>Pagi nya, ntah cuma perasaan, ngga ada alarm yang bunyi -_- dan semua bangun jam 07.00. Tapi brandon udah ngilang aja, dia pergi ke sekolah dulua ada acara osis -_- aziz juga pulang duluan. Disusul igoy juga.
>Pagi-pagi, kayanya banyak juga yg ke WC, gara-gara makan tadi malem mungkin ya =)) eh, malem nya juga banyak yang ke WC, termasuk aku *eh =))
>Sarapaaaaaan~~ dan lanjut sesi photo-photo. Aaaaah pas malem nya ga ada sesi photo-photo :( pada cape touring kali ya -_-
>Lanjuuuuut desert, terus baso dan photo-photo lagi hahahaha =)) Macem-macem gaya deh, ada ular-ularan, gaya iklan(?), apadeh macem-macem =)) Oya kita juga bikin photo MA2T hohoho
>Dan acara nginep part 2 pun selesai :') pada pulang deeeeeeeeh~
Aha!!! Acara nginep part 2 ini kurang banyak cewe nya ._. Dan sesi photo-photo banyak pas pagi =)) Semoga next emaduate event, bisa lebih banyak lagi yang ikut. Semoga liburan entar jadi!!!! *ntah jadinya mau kemana hahaha more photo~~~~ HERE
Today it was revealed that Junichi Okada of the boy band V6 will be playing Zero fighter pilot Kyuzo Miyabe in a film adaptation of Naoki Hyakuta’s popular novel Eien no Zero. Takashi Yamazaki of the ALWAYS: Sunset on Third Street franchise will direct.
Okada, who has never appeared in a war-themed project before, is taking the role very seriously and plans to chop a good deal of his hair off before filming begins. Co-stars Haruma Miuraand Mao Inoue are equally prepared for the June start date.
In the film, Miura plays a young man named Kentaro Saeki who has been trying unsuccessfully to realize his dream of passing the bar exam and Inoue plays his older sister Keiko, a freelance writer. Together, they begin investigating the circumstances surrounding their grandfather Kyuzo’s death in a kamikaze attack during the Pacific War.
Kyuzo had an unusually strong fear of death and unmatched will to survive, so why would he volunteer for suicide? They unexpectedly discover that their grandfather’s Navy comrades referred to him as “gifted, but a coward”. The two of them uncover astonishing facts which have been sealed for 60 years.
Okada will play Kyuzo, a Zero fighter pilot who continually professed his desire to “return to his wife alive”, even as the Japanese military faced increasing odds of defeat.
Distributor Toho has announced principal photography of “Eien no Zero” will begin in June on-location in Amami Ōshima, Chiba City, and Ibaraki with the inclusion of lots of large-scale aerial acrobatics shot from the sky. It will take about three months to shoot. After post-production, it should be ready for release in Japan around spring 2013.
Yo This Time Come on Come on Hoy! AhHa! XIA Get On. Get on. O.K
What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to COME ON!
What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to COME ON!
어딜가나 똑같은 음악 그 틀을 벗어나지 못해 너와다른 잣댈 가진 난 come on 점점 빨리 돌아가는 세상 눈 깜짝하면 변한대세 정신차려 또 넘어질라 네 스스로 일어나
Tarantallegra 즐겨봐 Tarantallegra 음악에 취해 Tarantallegra 뭐어때 Tarantallegra 망설이지마
Tarantallegra 음악은 Tarantallegra 느끼는 거야 Tarantallegra 이 순간 Tarantallegra 몸을 던져봐
그들손에 좌지우지되는 세상 이젠 지겹지않아 이것저것 재고 따지는 건 그만 이순간 정열의 춤을 춰
What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! (이젠 나를 불태워) What music will you listen to COME ON!
What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! (그 누구도 막지 못해) What music will you listen to COME ON!
Tarantallegra 즐겨봐 Tarantallegra 음악에 취해 Tarantallegra 뭐어때 Tarantallegra 망설이지마
Tarantallegra 음악은 Tarantallegra 느끼는 거야 Tarantallegra 이 순간 Tarantallegra 몸을 던져봐
즐겨봐 음악에 취해 뭐어때 망설이지마 음악은 느끼는 거야 이 순간 Tarantallegra
You have been chosen, let the music start controlling Your mind, heart, soul will shine like gold, baby girl you know it Your wish comes true 모두가 원하는게 지금 너의 마음속에 yeah, 마음속에 yeah 너와 나 함께 yeah 영원히 Move to the beat, show me how much you want me 더 이상 망설일 필요 없이 How’s that sound? It’s going down, down, down Give me all you got from bottom to top no holding back, back A to the Z we overseas, worldwide we’re on the map, yeah
Tarantallegra 즐겨봐 Tarantallegra 음악에 취해 Tarantallegra 뭐어때 Tarantallegra 망설이지마
Tarantallegra 음악은 Tarantallegra 느끼는 거야 (느낄 수가) Tarantallegra 이 순간 Tarantallegra 몸을 던져봐 Tarantallegra 즐겨봐 (네 인생 네 인생을 즐겨봐) Tarantallegra 음악에 취해 (음악에 취해) Tarantallegra 뭐어때 Tarantallegra 망설이지마
Tarantallegra 음악은 Tarantallegra 느끼는 거야 Tarantallegra 이 순간 Tarantallegra 몸을 던져봐
즐겨봐 음악에 취해 뭐어때 망설이지마 음악은 느끼는 거야 이 순간 Tarantallegra
What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to COME ON!
What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to COME ON!
What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to HEY! What music will you listen to COME ON!
Yo this time come on come on ho! XIA get on. Get on.
What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to come on
What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to come on
Eodilkana ttokgateun eumag keu teureul beoseonajimothae Neowah dareun jatdael kajin nan Cheomcheom ppalli dora ganeun sesang nun kkamchakhamyeon byeonhwa dwen daese Jeongshin charyeo tto neomeojilla ni seuseuro ireona
What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey (ije nareul bultaewo) What music would you listen to come on
What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey (geu nugudo makji mothae) What music would you listen to come on
Yeah XIA and flowshik Jeulkyeobwah eumage chwihae Mwo eottae mangseorijima Eumageun neukgineunkeoya I sungan Tarantallegra
You have been chosen, let the music start controlling Your mind, heart, soul will shine like gold, baby girl you know it Your wish comes true moduga wonhaneun ge jigeum neoui maeum soge yeah, maeum soge yeah neo wana hamkke yeah yeongwonhi Move to the beat, show me how much you want me deoisang mangseoril philyo obsi How’s that sound? It’s going down, down, hey Give me all you got from bottom to top no holding back, back A to the Z we overseas, worldwide we’re on the map, yeah
(ni insaeng ni insaengeul jeulkyeobwah Eumage chwiihae ho!) Jeulkyeobwah eumage chwiihae Mwo eottae mangseorijima Eumageun neukgineunkeoya I sungan Tarantallegeura
What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to come on
What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to hey What music would you listen to come on
yo this time come on come on ho! xia get’em
what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to come on
what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to come on
music is all the same everywhere. it cannot escape from that format. but my standard is different from you. the world is gradually moving faster. the trend will change in the blink of an eye get a hold of yourself. or you’ll tumble down once again. get up by yourself.
tarantallegra let’s enjoy tarantallegra be intoxicated with music tarantallegra so what tarantallegra don’t hesitate tarantallegra the music tarantallegra you will feel it tarantallegra this moment tarantallegra abandon yourself
now aren’t you tired of the world controlled by them. just stop thinking this and that over again. dance with all your passion in this moment
what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey (now i put myself on fire) what music would you listen to come on
what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey (nobody can stop me) what music would you listen to come on
tarantallegra let’s enjoy tarantallegra be intoxicated with music tarantallegra so what tarantallegra don’t hesitate tarantallegra the music tarantallegra you will feel it tarantallegra this moment tarantallegra abandon yourself
yeah xia and flowsik let’s enjoy be intoxicated with music so what don’t hesitate the music you will feel it this moment tarantallegra
tarantallegra let’s enjoy tarantallegra be intoxicated with music tarantallegra so what tarantallegra don’t hesitate tarantallegra the music tarantallegra you will feel it tarantallegra this moment tarantallegra abandon yourself
tarantallegra let’s enjoy tarantallegra be intoxicated with music tarantallegra so what tarantallegra don’t hesitate tarantallegra the music tarantallegra you will feel it tarantallegra this moment tarantallegra abandon yourself
let’s enjoy be intoxicated with music so what don’t hesitate the music you will feel it this moment tarantallegra
what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to come on
what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to hey what music would you listen to come on
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